

全国学习专线 8:00-22:00
专门培养国内英语及其他学科学习能力  根据剑桥英语体系,采用国际化的教学方式  提升内在修养;养成独立自主的习惯、形成创新思维和思辨能力  
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  • 姓 名: Alan
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 北京剑桥国际教育
  • 授课类别:面授


  朴炫州老师,剑桥国际高级讲师,荷兰海牙大学国际法与欧盟法学士(HBO-Rechten Equals Laws of De Haagse Hogeschool,the Hague University of Applied Science)。在大学期间,作为波兰代表参加第三届海牙和平模拟会议,参加前南斯拉夫刑事法庭中国法官刘大群法官国际刑法讲座,两次担任国际法庭模拟法庭英文赛法庭书记员,同时也有在阿姆斯特丹难民营的志愿者工作经历,在位于荷兰的野生动物正义委员会中担任六个月的实习生,参与证据整理,翻译还有法律检索的工作。也曾担任荔枝电台主播,讲解欧美电视剧以及西方文化,节目拥有粉丝1.7万,总播放量超过120万。作为法学院毕业生,对于英语用词考究,精准,对于语言把控和驾驭能力极强,同时,作为欧美剧电台主播以及生活在荷兰四年,到访过十几个西方国家的影视剧迷,对于英语十分本土口语化的词汇也很熟悉。教学风格幽默,融入了诸多影视剧经典桥段以及欧美国家的文化元素,让学生不仅学会英语,同时真正能够将英语作为工具,得心应手的运用在日常生活中。Alan is a senior lecturer in Cambridge Global Education.He graduated from The Hague University of Applied Science(THU),majoring International Law and European Law.When he was in law school,he participated the third Hague model peace conference as the delegate of Poland,attended lectures of the Chinese Judge of International Criminal Tribunal of Former Yugoslavia,Daqun Liu,about international criminal law,volunteered to work in refugee camp in Amsterdam and had 6 month internship experience in Wildlife Justice Commission(WJC).He was also a broadcasting anchor in a show about western TV series and cultures and owned more than 17 thousands followers and 1.2 millions amount of plays.As a law student and western culture broadcasting show anchor,he is a master of both official and colloquial use of English.He always puts classic plots in western movies and TV series,as well as introduction of different western culture in his class so his students are able to actually use English as a tool in their real life.


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