

全国学习专线 8:00-22:00
专门培养国内英语及其他学科学习能力  根据剑桥英语体系,采用国际化的教学方式  提升内在修养;养成独立自主的习惯、形成创新思维和思辨能力  
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  • 姓 名: Cassie
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 北京剑桥国际教育
  • 授课类别:面授


  吕晓梦(Cassie)老师,北京剑桥国际教育(中国)高级讲师,河北地质大学英语专业学士(Hebei GEO University,Hebei),被评为优秀毕业生。吕晓梦自身有四年多的MSE和YLE教学经验,拥有英语专业八级证书和TKT英语教学资格证书。她一直致力于帮助学生发现语言学习的乐趣和提升应试的技巧。她认工作认真负责,口语地道标准,授课方式轻松幽默,启发引导学生们在轻松快乐中学到更多的知识。Cassie teacher was graduated in Hebei GEO University.She got his bachelor of English degree from Hebei GEO University and was awarded the outstanding graduate.Having been devoted in English education for more than 4 years,she has deep understanding in language learning based on her years of experience of English teaching for MSE and YLE.She has been awarded the TEM 8 and TKT certificate.She is always committed to helping students find the joy of English learning and improve test skills.Her hard-working attitude,great English speaking and heuristic teaching help students learn a lot while enjoying the classes.


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