

宁波赫德实验学校为全日制民办学校,目前有海曙和鄞州两个校区,分别位于海曙解放南路10号和鄞州盛垫邱隘,开设十五年一贯制的幼儿园、小学、初中和高中课程,初高中学生实行寄宿制,为渴求国际化教育的中国家庭提供全方位、国际化的,从学前到高中的一体化的教育解决方案。以双语教学为特色的“赫德”扎根于中国文化,结合国际化的教育理念,致力于为中国的学生提供高品质的双语融合教育。中方校长为原鄞州中学校长方勋臣。外方执行校长为庄华伦(Warren Johnston),曾担任上海包玉刚实验学校创校校长以及外方执行校长。

Founded in 2014 by EliteK12, HD Ningbo School is a private bilingual school. HD Ningbo School has two campuses: Haishu campus located at No.10 South Jiefang Road, and Yinzhou Campus located at Shengdian Qiuai,Yinzhou District. Blending the best of international educational philosophy with Chinese curriculum, HD Ningbo School provides students with a comprehensive and balanced learning experience. This is where tradition meets creativity, and East meets West.


Motto——Education Creates Character


Vision——HD Ningbo School, founded on the best traditions of international education, is committed to providing high quality, bilingual education for students in China through schools where creativity isfostered and academic rigour is respected.


Educational Approach——High quality bilingual education/Creativity and academic rigour/Focus on 4C’s: Creativity, Collaboration, Communication & Critical-thinking/ 21st Century Skills


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