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北京SIA国际艺术留学特约主讲老师Brian Kane
  • 姓 名: Brian Kane
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 北京SIA国际艺术留学
  • 授课类别:面授
Brian Kane

  Brian Kane老师,罗德岛工业设计专业教授,曾任通用汽车(GeneralMotors)、洛克希德-马丁(LockheedMartin)等公司设计师。因其深受喜爱的独特授课方式与广泛艺术研究领域奠定其权威教学地位。
  I would say that one of the most important things is that everything that presented within the portfolio should be very clear,and the formatting has a very clear and consistent approach through out the portfolio,the layout,relates from page to page,there are not too many kinds of different style,forms and text,I would also say that,to some extent,the student should show variety of works and make sure,what is the most important thing is each image there should serve a purpose,and in relation to the overall concept,and in relation to kind of the project as the whole,there shouldn’t be too much repetition of similar ideas,consistent layout,keep it in simple,and let the work speak for itself.

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