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北京SIA国际艺术留学特约主讲老师Loukia Tsafouli
  • 姓 名: Loukia Tsafouli
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 北京SIA国际艺术留学
  • 授课类别:面授
Loukia Tsafoulia

  Architecture covers multiple skills.It is a very collective study.Nowadays,more and more architectures are moving to specialization.In that sense,interior design starts off being something that does not only address interior spaces,focus on details but also get back to interior space with no bounded skills.In New York City,somebody can work as an interior designer even though he is still an architect.And maybe vice versa.Their programs are calling interior as architecture,which is the perfect hybrid of focusing on interior yet they understand the interior as an architecture per se.To me again,there are so many blur boundaries between interior design and the architecture.I think depending on those scape,what we all need to think is that where is designing for people,and where is designing making things better if possible in every sense.Space is not so passive.Spaces are saving us.So whether you are coming fascinated with interior design to work from inside out,or for the architects to work from outside in,you have very specific responsibility.I think that sometimes it is common for both of those areas.And maybe this is something which you can bring those together as well.Details exist in every level,level of furniture,and level of material and level of creating a bigger building,or even level of a city.So I would say that scape doesn't even matter.There are a lot of inter-connections in the way we are thinking about our spaces.

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