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北京SIA国际艺术留学特约主讲老师Stephen Ang
  • 姓 名: Stephen Ang
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 北京SIA国际艺术留学
  • 授课类别:面授
Stephen Ang:
  Stephen Ang帕森斯设计学院数字媒体和摄影专业教授。他在创新思维开发和中西方教育方面有着自己独特的见解,个人艺术领域还覆盖纯艺与音乐。此外,Stephen也是LightPerspectives公司创立者,同时任该公司摄影总监(旨在传递艺术商业创新思维)。在帕森斯设计学院,他的教学也涉及多个领域,如摄影,商业视觉思考,水彩,美术设计,纯艺。曾任职两年纽约艺术家协会首席主席,后多次参与室设计项目。还同时隶属美国摄影艺术家协会,版权联盟。
  Foundation course is just for a people who just enter to school to find out what their passion is to some students how they want to refine the their course skills or someone who just want to experience.Foundation is really a good way to know basic principles.Being able to see what you hear,being able to express what you hear it is a very essential to the art.And imagination is more important than knowledge.Terminally i have help students to develop concepts which is supports the part of RISD and parsons challenge they want to know,how to develop concept,how to write about it.In fact,what are they creative products what are your inspirations,what value do you think you are creating as a result of an idea.So not only use your imagination,and your skill to draw,but also find ways to create a value for your ideas for others.Presentation is probably as important as the concept itself,your presentation is like a ID that you give to someone and present it in a most clear way.It is very important for yourself,because you are showing others your clear intention rather than just buy something found in a newspaper,it is your personal idea,and that’s really basically you give them the idea of who you are.

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