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北京SIA国际艺术留学特约主讲老师Andrew Freeman
  • 姓 名: Andrew Freeman
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 北京SIA国际艺术留学
  • 授课类别:面授
Andrew Freeman
  Andrew Freeman老师,纽约视觉学院与普瑞特设计学院平面设计专业教授,为可口可乐、微软、纽约时报、Shake Shake、哥伦比亚唱片、Target等诸多世界闻名企业与媒体担任设计师,且其指导的学生曾斩获纽约字体指导俱乐部金奖。
  I don’t believe in anyone’s process being right,and I think anybody has through process and everybody has through their own way to make something work.And most important thing for me is for them to feel like they own their own process,so I actually try stay away from telling them that you should A,B,C and D.It’s important for me to act more as somebody who guide them to find their process and somebody who guide them to discover.It’s important for me to allow them some sense of authorship over their own experience.Because that way they actually have some sense of ownership in what they have learnt.If they don’t feel like they owned what they have learnt,then they don’t evaluate.Graphic design tends to do things with purely visual,and that tends to be things that fit more standard norm,such as logo design,identity design,book design……While communication design seems to be a new word thats compares to graphic design,and that seems to technology that’s more than just visual things that associated with design people’s experiences.What some things smell like,what some things sound like,how to people talk,what is language that happens,That tends to be more associated with communication design.

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