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发布时间:2019-02-19 10:15:21 已帮助:1011人 来源:北京齐进法语


  1.The French don't“piss you off”…they“shit you off”(Faire chier quelqu'un).
  法国人不说“piss you off把你惹毛”……他们说“shit you off(Faire chier quelqu'un)使某人大便(激怒某人,使某人厌烦)”。
  2.The French don't call you“idiotic”…they call you“as dumb as a broom”(Être con comme un balai).
  法国人不叫你“idiotic白痴”……他们叫你“as dumb as a broom(Être con comme un balai)蠢的像扫帚一样”。
  3.The French don't“blow you off”…they“give you the rake”(Se prendre un râteau).
  法国人不说“blow you of打击你”……他们说“give you the rake(Se prendre un râteau)拿一个耙子”。
  4.The French don't tell you that“they don't care”…they tell you that“they care about it like they care about their very first shirt”(S'en foutre comme de sa première chemise).
  法国人不告诉你“they don't care他们不在乎”……他们说“they care about it like they care about their very first shirt(S'en foutre comme de sa première chemise)像对待他件衬衫一样毫不在乎”。
  5.The French don't say“this is annoying me”…they say“I'm getting swollen by this”(Ça me gonfle).
  法国人不说“this is annoying me这让我很恼火”……他们说“I'm getting swollen by this(Ça me gonfle)这让我胀满了气”。
  6.The French don't tell you to“leave them alone”…they tell you to“go and cook yourself an egg”(Aller se faire cuire unœuf).
  法国人不说你“leave them alone让他们资金静静”……他们会说“go and cook yourself an egg(Aller se faire cuire unœuf)去给自己煎个鸡蛋去吧”。
  7.The French don't tell you that“you're grumpy”…they tell you that“you're farting sideways”(Avoir un pet de travers).
  法国人不说“you're grumpy你脾气暴躁”……他们说“you're farting sideways(Avoir un pet de travers)有一只宠物经过”。
  8.The French don't“go crazy”…they“break a fuse”(Péter un plomb).
  法国人不说“go crazy疯了”……他们说“break a fuse(Péter un plomb)引爆了炸弹”。
  9.The French are not“bumbling”…they have“their two feet in the same clog”(Avoir les deux pieds dans le même sabot).
  法国人不会“bumbling笨手笨脚”……他们“their two feet in the same clog(Avoir les deux pieds dans le même sabot)两只脚站在同一只鞋里”。
  10.The French are not“energized”…they have“the potato”or the“French fry”(Avoir la patate/la frite).
  法国人不说他们“energized精力充沛”……他们说自己有“the potato or the French fry(Avoir la patate/la frite)薯片或者薯条”。


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